We no longer have drive-in capacity during bump-in for Coorong (our food and drink pavilion), however there are early bump-in time slots available to stalls selling hot food and drinks in the bar area, where you can unload goods by walking them in to your stall site. If you’re eligible for this, we will contact you via email prior to the market. If you have not received an email 7 days prior to the market and think you’re eligible for an early bump-in time slot, please contact us at to discuss.


Handmade accepts ready-to-eat food which is either prepared on-site or pre-prepared off-site and brought in. If you are a food retailer, it is your responsibility to make sure you have all permits required to trade. You must be a registered food business with your local council in whichever state you reside in and comply with the market stall food regulations. Please make sure you have organised your relevant food certification.

Food Samples

If you put samples out on your stall you are required to have a handwashing station behind your stall set up for all staff.  For example, a 5L x water jerry can with a tap, soap and a receptacle to catch the water will suffice. If you’re looking for something more substantial, you can find portable wash basins like this one.

Cooking on site

You are permitted to cook inside but can’t create too much smoke. If you need to bring a bqq/charcoal grill, it will have to be locates outside to eliminate the smoke inside. If you do this, you must have a cover over the bqq/grill (see point 2 below). If this is the case, please let us know on your application form so we can position your stall near an exit door. Please ensure you order the correct amount of power required for everything on your stall!

Soft Drink

Food stalls are not permitted to sell commercial soft drinks, however you may sell bottled water (and we highly recommend you do!). Only stalls approved to sell other types of drinks may do so.

Food Safety Requirements / Set Up

If storing potentially hazardous food, you must store the food at 5°C or colder, in eskies with ice or in other cold storage such as a portable cool room. You are required to have a food grade digital probe thermometer to test the temperate of the food.

Food stalls must meet the requirements set out in the Food Standards Code. Food stall set-up requirements will depend on the type of food sold. A food stall could fall into one or more of the following three categories:

  • Pre-packed, shelf-stable food (‘shelf-stable means that the food does not require temperature control to stay safe and suitable to eat).
  • Stalls selling food served hot straight from the barbecue or other cooking (These stalls must have a roof made from plastic or vinyl-type sheeting, i.e: marquee with adequate ventilation.)
  • Stalls selling any other type of food (marquee’s are not required).

Read more about food safety requirements for temporary food stall here.


  • If you are selling hot food, it is your responsibility to make sure you have all permits required to trade.
  • If you prepare food on-site and are from the ACT, you need to provide us with your food business registration certificate and display it on your stall, making sure you appoint a food safety supervisor.
  • If you sell pre-packed (shelf-stable food), you will need the relevant certificate from your state of origin and have it available at the market for review if asked.
  • If from the ACT and you attend more than 5 events each year of no more than 3 days, you also need a food safety supervisor certificate.  Spot checks by health do happen.

Please upload all permits/certificates to your business profile at least two weeks before the market. File path: Update your details > business information > Food Registration Certificate > add file > update profile.

These are the only exempt food business types:

  • A food business that handles or sells food no more than 5 times a year, where each time is no longer than 3 days and where the food handled or sold is either:
    • non-potentially hazardous unpackaged food (e.g. plain scones, whole fruit at a festival); or
    • food sold straight after thorough cooking, for immediate consumption (e.g. barbecue stall).
  • A food business that handles or sells food in or from a food transport vehicle that is registered in another State/Territory (e.g. a food van registered in NSW)
  • A food business that transports food but does not handle or sell food (e.g. courier)
  • A food business that sells only food that is contained in a closed package and is non-potentially hazardous

If you have any further questions you can contact the Health Protection Service to discuss the registration and food safety on (02) 5124 9700 or email


Coorong Pavilion is licensed to sell liquor. Handmade provides RSA licensed guards within the area to enforce that during the market no opened alcohol leaves the area.  In addition, all your staff at the market must be RSA certified. The ACT recognises RSA certificates issued by registered training organisations in other states.

You need to apply for your own ACT Commercial Permit with ACT Liquor & Gaming before each market. Unless licensees hold an ACT general license with a special condition that allows them to trade at events, all vendors will require an ACT Commercial Permit to trade at the Handmade Market. Your liquor permit must be displayed on your stand during the event. You will need to display an offence for under 18 to purchase, possess or consume liquor sign on your stall at all times through out the market.

Prior to the event Handmade will email you a letter of support with the following information included:
Event Name: Handmade Market Canberra
Vendor: (Your Business Name)
Event dates:
Venue: Coorong
Your Address:
Times trading: Event Hours
Description: (what you are selling.) i.e: Liquor sampling on the premises, take-home sales (Liquor in a closed container for consumption off the event premises).

Once you receive your letter of support from us, you can apply for your permit for our event. Please upload all permits/certificates to your business profile before the event. File path: Update your details > business information > Food Registration Certificate > add file > update profile.

Please note: even though we have a license in place as event organisers, your own permit needs to state that you are licensed for: Liquor sampling on the premises and take-home sales (Liquor in a closed container for consumption off the event premises).

Alcohol Samples

If you put liquor samples out on your stall you are required to have a handwashing station behind your stall set up for all staff.  For example, a 5L x water jerry can with a tap, soap and a receptacle to catch the water will suffice. If you’re looking for something more substantial, you can find portable wash basins like this one.



Each stall that needs power is required to order their own power. You can order power directly through Barlens using the order form in our resource area.  Please note each electrical device and cord you will be using needs to be tagged and tested. Each stall using power will have their cords and appliances checked prior to the event opening, if they are not tagged and tested you won’t be able to use them during the event.

Cool Room

There is a dedicated area outside Coorong where you can park and connect your own cool room. If you’re bringing your own cool room, please notify us in advance. If you’re hiring or bringing a fridge or cool room, remember to book power in advance through Barlens. Barlens also offer cool room and indoor fridge hire.

Rubbish Removal

EPIC provides bins outside for paper & cardboard, recycling, food waste etc.  Please make sure that you put the right rubbish in the right bin OR take it away with you.  No other bins should be used by stallholders (including the bins inside the venue).

Access to Water

There is access to water in the kitchen located off the Coorong Pavilion. Please make sure you clean up any mess made in this area.

Origin of Products

It is a requirement of the market that you must make each of your own products. We understand that it’s not always possible to make each component of your product, if you’re sourcing your ingredients elsewhere, the idea, recipe and concept must be yours. We reserve the right to accept or reject products on a case by case basis.


Single Use Plastic Ban as of 1 July 2021, supplying or providing any of these prohibited single-use plastic products is banned in the ACT. The list includes, single-use plastic stirrers, cutlery and expanded polystyrene foam takeaway food and beverage containers, such as cups, plates, bowls and clamshell containers. For more information visit single use plastics FAQ’s.  If you have a specific query send a photo with specifications of the product to and they will advise you.

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