Australia is home to many amazing bird species, which is whyBirdlife Australiaorganises National Bird Week each year, with the goal of inspiring Australians to take action and get involved in bird conservation efforts. This year, National Bird Week took place between Monday the 16th through to Sunday the 22nd of October, 2023
Each year you can celebrate National Bird Week by taking part in the Aussie Bird Count, where you can join thousands of people from across the country who head out into their backyards, local parks or favourite outdoor spaces to take part. To get involved all you need is 20 minutes, your favourite outdoor space, and some keen eyesight. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an expert, all you need to do is simplyregister, record the birds you know and look up those you don’t on the ‘Aussie Bird Count’ app or with the assistance of their website resources.
Not only will you get to know your feathered neighbours, but you’ll be contributing to a vital pool of information from across the nation that will help us see how Australian birds are faring. You’ll see live statistics and information on how many people are taking part near you and the number of birds and species counted in your neighbourhood and the whole of Australia!
To celebrate this incredible diversity of birds we Australians are lucky to have, we have created a list of Handmade designers who celebrate these wonderful birds by incorporating them into their designs.
If you would like to participate in National Bird Week and learn more about the Aussie Bird Count, head to Birdlife Australia for more information about next year’s count.